How Does a Queue Management System Work?
Having a proper queuing system is essential for any business. Find out more about how an effective queue management system can help your business and more.
Our paging solutions preconfigured by their functions and by categories to meet your needs.
Our paging solutions preconfigured by their functions and by categories to meet your needs.
Funding grant support issued from the respective governing bodies to support up to 80% of your wireless paging system purchases
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Having a proper queuing system is essential for any business. Find out more about how an effective queue management system can help your business and more.
Wondering what to do on Singapore’s 56th Birthday? We have compiled a list of things you can explore with your family to get your National Day spirit going!
With the current Covid-19 situation, it is a challenging time for most businesses. Find out more about how businesses are using QR Code paging system to cope with the challenges.
Upon receipt of the Letter of Offer from NEA. There is a 2 months window by which you’d have to purchase the equipment and submit your HPG disbursement claims.
Singapore is transitioning to Phase 2 beginning 20th June. Adopt a self-service paging system to disperse crowds and alert customers only when food is ready for pick-up.
Singapore had to setup a temporary care facility in Singapore Expo to support recovering patients of COVID-19. Find out how a nurse call system was implemented to support patients here.
Table of Contents Starting from 9th March 2020, Monday – the existing Hawker Productivity Grant (HPG) by NEA will be further improved by increasing its
You’ve heard of baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Generation Y. But have you heard of digital natives? This group is not so much a generation, but is used as a general term to describe individuals born in the digital age who start using technology from an early age and virtually use it in their everyday lives.
The world is constantly changing, both for good and for worse. In our three part blog post series, we explore how the future of the earth will be like and how science is revolutionising our lives. In this second part, we’ll be highlighting some of what experts predict will happen in 2030.
The world is constantly changing, both for good and for worse. In our three part blog post series, we explore how the future of the earth will be like and how science is revolutionising our lives. In this second part, we’ll be talking about scenarios that might happen in the future.
The world is constantly changing, both for good and for worse. In our three part blog post series, we explore how the future of the earth will be like and how science is revolutionising our lives. In this first part, we’ll be talking about climate change.
Looking to do something a little different this weekend? Why not embark on a heritage tour in Singapore? Learn more about Singapore’s history as you take a trip down our home’s memory lane.
There is no limit to what we can achieve with technology. With augmented reality, facial recognition, and the race to develop smart cities, there is no thinking what the next breakthrough will be. In this post, we’ll be introducing some of the latest technology trends that have been the talk of the town recently.
Contrary to popular belief, pagers (also known as wireless paging systems) are still being used in the world today. This includes industries such as food and beverage, healthcare, and the fire department. However, they are slowly being replaced by other forms of technology and the future for pagers is uncertain.
There’s nothing better than taking a break from work after a long week. But there’s one problem – you don’t know where to go. Where else can you go to in Singapore that you’ve not already been to? We know how you feel, which is why we came up with some places for you to go for a fun and fulfilling weekend!
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190 Clemenceau Avenue
Singapore Shopping Centre, #06-06
Singapore 239924
Line 1: +65 3159 4755
Line 2: +65 6708 8255
312 Golden Town
71 Phayathai Road, Ratchathewi
Thailand, Bangkok 10400
SIGNALGRYD Pte. Ltd. is a registered licensed dealer (DA106967) and pre-approved Solutions Provider under PSG with Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).
© 2025 SIGNALGRYD Pte. Ltd.
Website by Superduper Co.
For your customers
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SIGNALGRYD Pte. Ltd. is a registered licensed dealer (DA106967) and pre-approved Solutions Provider under PSG with Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).
© 2025 SIGNALGRYD Pte. Ltd.
Website by Superduper Co.